By joining the Rockingham Bird Club (RBC) and attending its meetings, you will make new friends and learn more about birds and bird-related subjects from a wide variety of speakers from all over the state. By participating in the field trips you will sharpen your birdwatching skills. As a member, you will also receive the monthly newsletter, The Goldfinch Gazette.
Types of membership:
- Family – $30.00
- Individual – $20.00
- Student – $10.00
Membership dues cover the year from September to August and are not prorated. Renewals must be received by November 1 to retain your position on the membership roster and continue receiving the newsletter.
The RBC has 501 (C)(3) status and is therefore a tax-exempt charitable organization.
There are two ways to join: Online using Zeffy or through the US mail with a check.
Option 1: Online
Option 2: Pay with a check
Download a membership form.