Field trips for members and guests. See newsletter for more details.
January Field Trips
Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, January 14: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.
December Field Trips
Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, December 10: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.
Hillandale “Last day of Fall” Bird Walk, Friday, December 20: Meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM.
November Field Trips
Northern Saw-whet Owl Banding: Friday November 8 (Sunday November 10, rain date.) Sign-up required due to limited space. Debbie Harrison will lead this evening trip, meeting in Broadway to carpool to Highland Retreat. Contact her at to sign up (include your cell phone number, full name and name of any guest.) Rain or wind will cancel the trip.
Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, November 12: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.
October Field Trips
Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, October 8: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.
Field Trip Reminder: Virginia Wildlife Center Field Trip, Saturday, October 12
We will meet at the Virginia Wildlife Center, 1800 S Delphine Ave, Waynesboro, VA at 9:45 am on Saturday, October 12. Please remember to bring $5 per person in cash or a check made out to Rockingham Bird Club. Carpooling when possible is suggested. There are a few spots still available. Registration for this trip closes October 7. Contact Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517
***Participants might want to stop by the Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch that day as well.
September Field Trips
Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, September 10: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.
Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch, Friday, September 20, weather permitting: Anyone interested can meet by around 10 AM outside the long-closed Inn at Afton (at the intersections of Rt 250 and Howardsville Turnpike, uphill from where Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway meet.) This will be around peak Broad-winged Hawk migration. Peak day in the past has fallen between Sept 16 and 22 or so, with thousands of Broad-wings tallied in a single day. No need to sign up. Rain will cancel. Please contact Diane Lepkowski with questions at For more information, visit and/or find them on Facebook.