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Field trips for members and guests. See newsletter for more details.

Happy Birders at Hillandale Park
Hillandale Walk
What do you see, Tom?
Steady that camera, Tom!
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Looking for birds on the Christmas Bird Count
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October Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, October 8: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

Field Trip Reminder: Virginia Wildlife Center Field Trip, Saturday, October 12
We will meet at the Virginia Wildlife Center, 1800 S Delphine Ave, Waynesboro, VA at 9:45 am on Saturday, October 12. Please remember to bring $5 per person in cash or a check made out to Rockingham Bird Club. Carpooling when possible is suggested. There are a few spots still available. Registration for this trip closes October 7. Contact Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517
***Participants might want to stop by the Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch that day as well.

Northern Saw-whet Owl Banding: Tentative date – Friday November 8 (Sunday November 10, rain date.) Sign-up required due to limited space. Debbie Harrison will lead this evening trip, meeting in Broadway to carpool to Highland Retreat. Contact her at to sign up (include your cell phone number, full name and name of any guest.) Rain or wind will cancel the trip.

September Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, September 10: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch, Friday, September 20, weather permitting: Anyone interested can meet by around 10 AM outside the long-closed Inn at Afton (at the intersections of Rt 250 and Howardsville Turnpike, uphill from where Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway meet.) This will be around peak Broad-winged Hawk migration. Peak day in the past has fallen between Sept 16 and 22 or so, with thousands of Broad-wings tallied in a single day. No need to sign up. Rain will cancel. Please contact Diane Lepkowski with questions at For more information, visit and/or find them on Facebook.

Summer Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, July 9 and Tuesday, August 13, 8:30 AM: We will meet at Shelter 12 or the nearest parking lot if the shelter is occupied, at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

June Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, June 11: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom
Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-
6517 for questions or more info.

Hillandale “Spring to Summer” Solstice Bird Walk, Thursday, June 20: We will meet at Shelter
12* at 4:00 PM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers
at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.
*Note: Summer can be a busy time in the afternoons, so if the shelter is occupied by others, we will meet in one of the many nearby parking areas.

May Field Trips

Paul State Forest, Saturday, May 11: Join Greg Moyers at this hotspot, west of Dayton, for warblers and other spring migrants. This is about four miles round-trip over hilly terrain with no facilities. Parking is limited and carpooling is encouraged. Please DO NOT block the gate. Meet at the parking area at 8:15 AM. Please contact Greg with questions and to sign up if you plan to attend (include email, phone number, number in your party).

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, May 14: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

April Field Trips

Madison Run / Browns Gap Fire Road (Shenandoah National Park), Saturday April 6, with Greg Moyers – Join Greg at 8:45 AM to seek some of our earliest returning warblers and more. Targets include Louisiana Waterthrush and Pine Warblers. Other new arrivals are possible, as are lingering wintering species and our year-round Barred Owl. This is a fairly easy walk alongside a lovely creek on a well-maintained gravel fire road with just a slight incline. Expect about a 3.5-4-mile round trip. There are no restroom facilities. Bring water, and snacks if you wish. We expect to return by 12-1 PM. Please contact Greg if you have questions and to sign up and include the number in your party and your cell phone number, along with your email in case of changes or cancellation.

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, April 9: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

March Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, March 12: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

Hillandale “Last Walk of Winter” Bird Walk, Tuesday, March 19: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

Madison Run / Browns Gap Fire Road (Shenandoah National Park), Woodcock Trip — Saturday evening, March 23, with Diane Lepkowski – Join Diane under the nearly-full moon as we aim to find American Woodcock males displaying to impress the ladies! We’ll meet near the parking area about 7-7:15 PM. For anyone wishing to hike the fire road first, Diane may do so & will give details to those who sign up once the date gets closer. Drive on your own or let Diane know if you wish to connect with others interested in carpooling (20-minute drive from Harrisonburg.) Park alongside the Fire Rd, an extension of Browns Gap Rd, taking care not to block it. This is at the foot of the mountain, east of Grottoes, just inside SNP, and just east of the Browns Gap Rd/Ore Bank Rd intersection. Please sign up with Diane if you plan to attend or have questions.

Madison Run / Browns Gap Fire Road (Shenandoah National Park), Saturday April 6, with Greg Moyers – Join Greg at 8:45 AM to seek some of our earliest returning warblers and more. Targets include Louisiana Waterthrush and Pine Warblers. Other new arrivals are possible, as are lingering wintering species and our year-round Barred Owl. This is a fairly easy walk alongside a lovely creek on a well-maintained gravel fire road with just a slight incline. Expect about a 3.5-4-mile round trip. There are no restroom facilities. Bring water, and snacks if you wish. We expect to return by 12-1 PM. Please contact Greg if you have questions and to sign up and include the number in your party and your cell phone number, along with your email in case of changes or cancellation. See the March 23 trip listing above for directions.

February Field Trips

2024 Raptor / Waterfowl Count, Saturday February 10: This long-standing, one-day, annual Rockingham Bird Club count surveys the entire County, including Harrisonburg City. We tally waterfowl on area lakes and rivers along with raptors, including vultures. We also include other predatory birds, such as shrikes and kingfishers, along with shorebirds we might encounter. The methodology is mainly car-birding with survey stops. We’re in the process of securing sector leaders and helpers. Please contact Diane Lepkowski with questions or if you’re interested in participating.

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, February 13: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM for a bit of birding. Then join us at Kathy’s house (around 10:30 am) for coffee, bagels and more!
Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

January Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, January 23: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

December Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, December 12: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

Hillandale Bird Walk, Friday, December 22 (our last Fall walk): We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

November Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, November 14: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info. Please note: A section of S Dogwood Avenue is closed. If you are coming from the south on Rt. 42, turn left at Hillandale Ave.

Northern Saw-whet Owl banding: Debbie Harrison hopes to arrange a Club visit during the second or third week of November. Please contact her early if interested in getting on the list, as the number of attendees will be limited. Email Debbie with your phone # and email address and whether you will have one, or at most two, in your party. She will provide further details later to those who have registered. As always, this trip is weather-dependent, and we hope it works out!

Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch (on your own): The Hawk watch continues through November 30. November is often the best month for Golden Eagles. Some days may not have official coverage – check the website for the coverage calendar and other information:

October Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, October 10: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info. Please note: A section of S Dogwood Avenue is closed. If you are coming from the south on Rt. 42, turn left at Hillandale Ave.

Northern Saw-whet Owl banding: If we can arrange a trip to the banding station, it will likely be around the second week of November. Stay tuned! We’ll announce via email.

Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch (on your own): While the push of Broad-wings Hawks has passed, it will soon be prime time for Golden Eagles and other raptors. Migration timing for each species can be viewed here:

September Field Trips

Hillandale Bird Walk, Tuesday, September 12: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

Hillandale Fall Equinox Bird Walk, Friday, September 22: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch: Date TBD (Sept 16, 17 or 18):
Visiting anytime is FINE and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, but we’ll aim for a Club visit one of these three days, weather permitting. This should be near the peak of Broad-winged Hawk migration. Peak day typically falls between Sept 16-23, sometimes with over 10,000 hawks passing through! Contact Diane Lepkowski if interested.

Summer Field Trips

Hillandale Spring to Summer Bird Walk, Wednesday, June 21: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 10:00 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.

Hillandale Summer Bird Walks, Second Thursday of the Month: June 8, July 13 and August 10: We will meet at Shelter 12 at 8:30 AM. Contact Tom Mizell at or 540-810-5898, or Kathy Byers at or 540-820-6517 for questions or more info.